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June 22, 2024 Supachai

Key findings from PertaPrime study revealed at PHAA CDIC 2024

Mrs. Heidi Hutton and Dr. Ushma Wadia recently delivered an outstanding presentation on the PertaPrime study results, titled “Pertagen® is a safe and effective stand-alone Pertussis vaccine,” at the Public Health Association Australia (PHAA) Communicable Diseases & Immunisation Conference (CDIC) in Brisbane, held from June 11-13, 2024.

PertaPrime is the first trial with a new generation recombinant pertussis vaccine in Australia conducted in healthy young Australian adults led by Prof. Dr. Peter Richmond (PI) Vaccine Trials Group at the Telethon Kids Institute, Perth Children’s Hospital, Australia.
The study showed that Pertagen induced significantly higher antibody responses that remained significantly higher one year after vaccination compared to a pertussis-containing combination vaccine currently used for booster vaccination in teenagers and adults including pregnant women in Australia.